Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bathing Suits For Pectus Excavatum

Well, to continue a bit with this journal that was so forlorn, I have news here:

Seirei no Fansub, the first fansub PoPoLoCrois responsible for translating into English, is officially opened!

And here is our first release:

PoPoLoCrois Monogatari 1998: Episode
1: "The Girl of the Wind":

Those who are familiar with this series should know how it all began, about the adventures of Peter and Narcia, the GamiGami insane, and the emergence of Hyuu, showing a little bit about how it will be the development of the series. Enjoy this first episode and wait to see what is coming! PoPoLoCrois

Episode 1: "Adventure in the Little Dragon Sanctuary"

been 20 years after the first series, and now the protagonist is Pinon's son Pietro. However, Pinon is the opposite of his father and hates the fact that they always compare with him. But how much things can change when he saves a una extraña criatura de un monstruo?

Ambos capítulos los pueden conseguir aquí: http://www.otakusenvenezuela.com/foro/index.php?topic=4155.0;topicseen (disculpen por no poner los enlaces directamente, pero es que no quiero arriesgarme a que me los borren).

En las noticias de animé y videojuegos, por fin pude ver a Pïetro usando el Dragon Saber en Poporogue después de tanto entrenar, y si que me costó trabajo llegar hasta el condenado nivel 70.
Por otra parte, ya me tragué Gundam SEED y Gundam SEED Destiny (la primera fue excelente y le doy una calificación de 98/100, mientras que SEED Destiny fue buena pero se echó a perder en lo capítulos finales, así that takes a 83/100). I also saw. Hack / / ROOTS (88/100) and I'm going through. Hack / / GU in a friend's house, at least until I have my own PlayStation 2. Another series that I saw and that wearing a Erementar Gerad is 97/100. which also has a good plot, great characters and great music. Besides that we also started playing with my friends Rengou vs. ZAFT Gundam SEED 1 and 2 (sorry I still have far to beat), and now I'm playing Breath of Fire III and seeing. Hack / / SIGN. Also I've been to two conventions and Saturday I'll be 24 in another, singing karaoke or Anna Issho Datta no ni . And as

to the university, among the stupid teachers of Mathematics and Programming'm losing my mind and my average is going to land (and hate) but luckily for all other subjects I wonder (especially in English). Uf

go much news (that I get for not updating often), and I believe are more coming, so ... See ya!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Senior Week Condo Rentals Ocmd

Fansub Latest News Updates

And after a ridiculously long without updating (1 MONTH!) I'm back. Regarding

PoPoLoCrois, I loved the episode 24 of the 1998 series, especially his account of the legend and because Anemoritos Wind Dynasty was unable to continue living in the same world Dragons and Humans.
Moreover, the chapter of the series of 2003 was also excellent, but incredibly sad (too bad it was not enough for one of my friends changed his mind about the series -_-).
In other news, I also began to explore other anime series:. Hack / / Roots, Gundam Seed, Naruto, Gundam Wing and G-Gundam (lots of Gundam by ^ _ ^)

In game finally finished Zelda: Wind Waker and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (AAHHH!! Cursed Pit of 100 Trials!) and began with Zelda: Majora's Mask, besides that I went to Pietro Poporogue Lv. 57 (three levels for learn Dragon Saber).

And in cinema, I saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Transformers. The first was a decent adaptation of the book, where the best part was the end (actually scenes that left one with the mouth open) and Transformers, though slightly deviated from the concept of the series, was very good (particularly the orchestral pieces from the soundtrack of the movie).

And by adopting the first half of torment ... say the university got as gifts the third book in the Chronicles of Narnia and a Japanese dictionary.

Well, now I have some things to do, so until then!

Monday, June 25, 2007

What Do Past Present Future Necklaces Look Like

Entre otras, que ya estoy a tres miseras semanas de terminar el primer semestre (con muy buenas notas por cierto); y he flojeado mucho con los cursos que he hecho (japonés y piano)
Además, ya dentro de poco tendré un pendrive de 2G.

Pero también, he empezado a prepararme mejor para los próximos eventos que habrá de anime y manga: viendo si prepararme un cosplay de Pietro de Popolocrois Monogatari II (el juego) y practicando las canciones que voy cantar en el karaoke. 

También, ya voy a terminar Zelda: Wind Waker de una vez por todas para así empezar a jugar Poporogue y Popolocrois Monogatari II, que tengo algunas outstanding things in those two games.

Well, I think that's all for the moment.

Types Of Catherdral Engagement Rings

PoPoLoCrois! Again!

Finally, the chapter that I was waiting for both series and came out! PoPoLoCrois

1998 · Ep 24 "The Fruit of the Tree of Farewell
PoPoLoCrois 2003 · Ep24 · Adventure of the Farewell

Tomorrow will download and see, then rub my friends across the face (mwahaha).
Also, tomorrow will be to read the impressions that I got two chapters.

Until next time! I recently saw

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Multiple Types Of Arthritis In One Person

Thoughts of sadness ...

chapter 25 of Fullmetal Alchemist (Farewell Ceremony) ... and not I blogged before because I was not prepared (do not read if you do not want spoiler and feel the episode with all its intensity).

Now, I had commented that this episode earned palms about sadness (similar to how he rated the episode 7: The night I cried Chimera) but I figured that until exempt.

When I saw him, my mind went totally blank when Hughes shot Envy, and soon after, he began the funeral scene, I could not contain myself and began to tear loose mourn. Even the Mustang sarcasm tears stopped me at that time because he was also crying, although it was not until near the end, and when then started ringing that little piano version of Bratja (not shown in any of the OST and I'm looking like crazy), and showed the spirit of bidding farewell to Hughes Edward one last time, crying, who had stopped a bit, increase their strength.

Sniff ...

Farewell, Maes Hughes ... Never forget you ...

For the next try to blog something more cheerful ...

Ah! and almost forgot that I almost ended up learning to play ¨ The Alchemic World ~ Two Years Thereafter ¨ at the piano.

See! Another

How Much Is It Cost To Sew

Popolo-mania again!

instead, launch new episodes of PoPoLoCrois, courtesy of Anime-BT and Pakapuka!

personal thoughts.

PoPoLoCrois Monogatari (Series 1998):

Chapter 23: ¨ The Fate of the Dynasty del Viento ": One of the best in the series, and serves as a bridge to the final two episodes of the series, also was the first episode of PoPoLoCrois I saw in my life, and everything that happens in it (including the touching scene at the beginning) were what hooked me to this series and play. What I'm dying to see is the next chapter, which I know virtually nothing, and the final chapter and I saw it, anyway.

PoPoLoCrois (Series 2003):

Chapter 23: ¨ Adventure Island Petrifaction ¨: This episode really was quite good, and really surprised me the whole turn of events was far and width of it, although I gave a little laugh when they mocked Paanya (crushed and ignored, quite literally). I'm still dying to know who else will happen, but I predict I'll throw a few tears soon (which so far only the 1998 series and had achieved Fullmetal Alchemist).

Sunday, May 20, 2007

260-0950 Radio Shack Error

From my cousin, film and keyboard

Today came my cousin and my aunt to get my bonus, which was a relief, since both days that remained were a horror to sleep. We spent a good afternoon here and went to the movies, but we could not see the movie we had planned (Epic Movie) because my sister still has seven years and was the film classification B (AAAAHHHH!! Shimatta! Shimatta! )

(ahem. ..)

finished watching holidays mr. Bean, and then before going to sleep, my father gave me some piano lessons for the part where I am poor (line), plus it gave me hours before a scientific calculator for college.

Well, that's all, so ...

Mata ne!

Friday, May 18, 2007

How To Install Parallels On Boot Camp Partition

PoPoLoCrois finished! Opening

And finally fulfilled my dream to play and finish the trilogy of games PoPoLoCrois in PS 1! It took a lot of time, and I laughed and cried throughout the chapters of history, but finally got it. Now I only need to see the chapters of the two anime series that I need. Wait until the fansub group that is responsible for this was ordered to finish the job (htttp: / / anime-bt.com). For those interested, the chapters are in Japanese with English subtitles.

How To Be More Sophisticated And Mature

Well, I've decided to open this journal to be recording my experiences and my worries and other feelings. As
any good nerd (otaku as well), I find it very difficult to express my feelings in vivo, and sometimes on the computer, so I do this hoping to be uninhibited.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Mole On Left Pinkie Finger

Hump-Bobart, favorite series from Jim Harper

Bobart: the classic black film series where our detective, Humpy Bobart, IMPAC investigates paranormal cases with painful results.
Every Tuesday at 18:00 in TV Classics Walrus.

Humpy Bobart mutant spider-swoon

El Moro, the archenemy of Bobart. Remember

Walrus Classic TV.