Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bathing Suits For Pectus Excavatum

Well, to continue a bit with this journal that was so forlorn, I have news here:

Seirei no Fansub, the first fansub PoPoLoCrois responsible for translating into English, is officially opened!

And here is our first release:

PoPoLoCrois Monogatari 1998: Episode
1: "The Girl of the Wind":

Those who are familiar with this series should know how it all began, about the adventures of Peter and Narcia, the GamiGami insane, and the emergence of Hyuu, showing a little bit about how it will be the development of the series. Enjoy this first episode and wait to see what is coming! PoPoLoCrois

Episode 1: "Adventure in the Little Dragon Sanctuary"

been 20 years after the first series, and now the protagonist is Pinon's son Pietro. However, Pinon is the opposite of his father and hates the fact that they always compare with him. But how much things can change when he saves a una extraña criatura de un monstruo?

Ambos capítulos los pueden conseguir aquí: http://www.otakusenvenezuela.com/foro/index.php?topic=4155.0;topicseen (disculpen por no poner los enlaces directamente, pero es que no quiero arriesgarme a que me los borren).

En las noticias de animé y videojuegos, por fin pude ver a Pïetro usando el Dragon Saber en Poporogue después de tanto entrenar, y si que me costó trabajo llegar hasta el condenado nivel 70.
Por otra parte, ya me tragué Gundam SEED y Gundam SEED Destiny (la primera fue excelente y le doy una calificación de 98/100, mientras que SEED Destiny fue buena pero se echó a perder en lo capítulos finales, así that takes a 83/100). I also saw. Hack / / ROOTS (88/100) and I'm going through. Hack / / GU in a friend's house, at least until I have my own PlayStation 2. Another series that I saw and that wearing a Erementar Gerad is 97/100. which also has a good plot, great characters and great music. Besides that we also started playing with my friends Rengou vs. ZAFT Gundam SEED 1 and 2 (sorry I still have far to beat), and now I'm playing Breath of Fire III and seeing. Hack / / SIGN. Also I've been to two conventions and Saturday I'll be 24 in another, singing karaoke or Anna Issho Datta no ni . And as

to the university, among the stupid teachers of Mathematics and Programming'm losing my mind and my average is going to land (and hate) but luckily for all other subjects I wonder (especially in English). Uf

go much news (that I get for not updating often), and I believe are more coming, so ... See ya!


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